About me

I'm Robert Foede (b. 1965), married and we have three wonderful sons. I finished my sound and recording engineering training at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold in 1994. From that time until 2019, I worked at ERF medien in Wetzlar; and from 2020, I have overseen recordings of the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie for SWR (Südwest Rundfunk). Additionally as a freelance Tonmeister, I have worked primarily for HR (Hessischer Rundfunk) as well as having been hired for an array of productions and CD recordings.

I continue to be active as a performer where my primary instrument is the cello. I also perform and record on the double bass, electric bass, and the Steinberger BassCello. As a performer I’ve been involved in recordings of a wide range of genres from classical to pop. My dual background as a sound engineer and performer makes me particularly sensitive to the experience on both sides of the recording studio glass.
