
About GanzTon Musikproduktion

"That's me!? I had no idea that I could make such beautiful music!" That's what I often hear from satisfied customers, and here, I find something of importance: because of the priority I place upon artistry, musicians are motivated to deliver inspired, creative, and top performances.

The name GanzTon ("complete tone") has a particular meaning for me: each production will never be halfheartedly managed; every recording should be optimal, 'complete'; and, for this 'complete' result, I hold myself accountable. Therefore, you can trust that with GanzTon, your production will be well cared for.

Since the very beginnings of the company in 1994, it has been sought after for numerous projects for CD and radio ranging from solo piano and chamber music to large orchestras and oratorios, from chanson and serious choir to jazz duo and big band, from world music to extravagant pop productions. GanzTon has successfully navigated an array of settings, styles, and possibilities.